Structural Colors in Biological Systems

Principles and Applications

edited by S. Kinoshita and S. Yoshioka

構造色の本が、 大阪大学出版会より出版されました。(2005年8月)



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B5版、約360頁、定価 8400円(本体8000円+税)

P. Vukusic (英国エクセター大学)
R. A. Steinbrecht(独国マックスプランク研究所)
A. Saito(大阪大学)
H. Tabata(KRI)
N. Oshima(東邦大学)
T. Okubo(コロイド組織化研究所)
A. Kimura(資生堂)
K. Miyamoto(獨協医科大学)
H. Ghiradella (米国ニューヨーク州立大学)
S. Kinoshita(大阪大学)
S. Yoshioka(大阪大学)
J. Watanabe(東京工業大学)
V. L. Welch(英国オクスフォード大学)
A. Yoshida(JT生命誌研究館)
T. Hariyama(浜松医科大学)
A. R. Parker(英国オクスフォード大学)


Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Structural Colors
Fundamental optical processes underlying the structural colors

Chapter 2 Overview of Structural Colors
Classical optics in animals - reflectors and antireflectors
Photonic crystals in biology

Chapter 3 Structural Colors in Insects
Fine structure of basic lepidopteran scales
Structural colour effects in Lepidoptera
Photophysical approach to blue coloring of the Morpho butterlies
Inter-scale mechanism in blue-light reflection of a Morpho butterfly
The leaf beetle, the jewel beetle, and the damselfly; insects with a multilayered show case
Structural color of shield bugs in Japan

Chapter 4 Structural Colors in Birds
Structural color of peacock feathers

Chapter 5 Structural Colors in Fish
Light reflection in motile iridophores of fish

Chapter 6 Reflectors and Antireflectors in Biological Systems
The golden pupae of butterflies - a special biological multi-layer reflector system
Antireflective microstructure on the wings of butterflies and moths

Chapter 7 Applications of Structural Colors
Colloidal crystal
Reproduction of Morpho-blue by artificial substrate
Structurally colored fibers and application
Nacreous pigment colored by interference color
Coloration due to Christiansen Effect in Colloidal Solutions of Amphiphilic Hydroxypropylcellulose
Successful preparation of monodomain polymer cholesteric films with beautiful colors like beetle and lasing from its dye-dope films

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